Tuesday, October 25, 2016

About SLI

My favorite school is SLI / Sekolah Lentera Indonesia.
My mom put me here after my pre-school ICA/ International children academy.
I love it here in SLI.
My big brother is in Grade 6. I'm in Grade 3. My big sister Grade 9 this year in 2016.
Hope you come to this school!

my favorite subject

My favorite subject is PE
I like to play running race with my brother.
And since i race with my brother now I can run very fast.
I love PE.
I love to run fast.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

my cute pets

Hi everyone for this article I'm going to talk about my pets.
I have a white rabbit and brother has a brown rabbit.
I really like my brothers because It's really cute but I still love mine more.
I always have fun playing with them!
Hope you all get very cute pets.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

my favorite food

My favorite food is Curry.
My favorite curry place in Gandaria City or Senayan City.
It tastes better if you eat it with Japanese rice.
Sometimes I ask a delivery to order it when I'm hungry.
You should go and try it.
Hope you enjoy eating them.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

my favorite toy

My favorite toy is the Smart Wheel.
I have it in my house.
My mom is gonna buy me my own Smart Wheel.
My brother already has one.
You should go and buy it it's very fun to play with.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

My Hobbies

My Hobbies are:
Arts and Crafts,swimming,sketching,watch-ing TV, doing sports and playing piano.
I made a slingshot (success not fail) out of paper also sticks.
I ride bicycles in front of my house.
I have swimming lessons because I love swimming.
I like drawing cut stuff.
And I mostly watch netflix on TV.

my term break

It was SLI's term break.
The term break started on Sept.23 until Oct.2.
I went to my cousins house (apartment) and we baked an eggless cake and it smelled so GOOD!
We also made vlogs and posted it on YOUTUBE!
And we also took a bubble bath it was so warm and nice like a spa!
And thats it for my term break.


my favorite movie

Currently my favorite movie is Ever After High. 
My favorite character is Crystal.
It's about having and following their happily ever after.
To follow your destiny you must sign the story book of legends
But Raven she doesn't want to follow her destiny.
But eventually she did but she's still good.
all the students are daughters and sons of the princesses and people from wonderlandYou should go and watch it on netflix or You tube.